Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Miki's Survival Camp

I recently got the opportunity to visit Miki's Survival camp again in Kiau, if you are wondering where that is it is at the foothill of the world famous Kinabalu Mountain. Mt.Kinabalu standing at the height of 4095.2 meters above sea level, making it the highest mountain between the Himalayan and the Papua New Guinea. A Glimpse of Mt.Kinabalu

The adventure began with a spectacular view, walking on a side of a hill, fill with crops such as hills rice and pineapples on both sides. The walk or hiking will take you about 2 to 3 hours depending on your physical condition and camp location, passing trough rivers with bamboo bridges is an experience very few have encountered.
Bamboo or locally known as "Poring" is abundant here, Useful in every way.Just to name a few bamboo is made into drinking cups, floor, walls, roofs and its a very good fire wood.
Just in case you are in need drinking
water bamboo does provide you
with that as well.
Simply chipping the side of the bamboo and using one
of its branch as a straw.

Lunch is served on arrival at the campsite, you don't have to do your own cooking here, its simple food and yet very appetizing. Some visitors have commented that, back in the U.K people will pay good money in a good restaurant for the type of food we had at the campsite, yet here it was cook using firewood not even with a proper stove. I think Miki should open a restaurant in the U.K, just a thought. Haha.

After recovering from a good meal, there quite a few activities to be done here. Remember i mention about the uses of bamboo just now, we'll teach you how to make them and a few more. Ever fancy blowing a traditional blowpipe, that's here too. You need to be careful walking around the outer campsite area, the well camouflage traps is set up to catch anything from rats to Wild Boar, you'll just have to see it to believe it, its ingenious how these traps was made and set ups, everything they need, they just use from the forest.

After dinner we did a night walk around the camp grounds, we saw quite a few Frogs, insects and illumines mushroom. Here are some photos. But what interest me the most is......

This Little guy, I've seen some small frogs in my time but this one is ridiculously tiny. We found it by accident, well actually my friend found it. His name is Martin Boakes, was with me visiting Miki Survival Camp. While looking for insects and such he notice this odd looking piece of leaves stuck to another bigger greener leaf, and said "whats that, oh its a piece of leave?" i replied "yeah a piece of leave!! Oh......hang on........ it a FROG!!!" The tiniest, littlest frog i ever did it is..

Thats Martin's pinky set right next to it as camparison.
Here a front profile of the Frog

Here's a side profile of the frog

We have identify it as a tree frog, which tree frog you say? i do not know.. I've done some looking up, ask a bunch of friend no one have ever seen this type before, some claim they've seen it but not with that pattern on its back. Its so tiny its almost impossible to take a good photo of it. I could be wrong but have we found a new species of frog? I told martin, Now, you found it so we'll call it "Martinii Kiauinssis" and I laugh...Ha ha.., Now I ask if there is anyone out there that know this frog proper name???? Please, please tell me..

After that interesting discovery, we chatted away the night in front of a burning campfire and had ourselves a good bottle of rice wine.